The POWER of the PIVOT!

Recently, I accepted the fact that I was not yet reaching my intended goal and needed to pivot this season and that pivot led to yet another pivot and I feel GREAT about it! Why? Because that is the POWER of the PIVOT!!! When things don't seem to be going as "planned" don’t make it [...]

We Are Called to Love, Not Judge

We are called to LOVE, not JUDGE. Period. Whenever we find ourselves getting frustrated with someone, it's a clear sign that we've momentarily stepped OUT OF THE LOVE ZONE and into the JUDGMENT ZONE. And the reason it feels so irksome is because it was never how we were created to exist. God IS LOVE. [...]

Are You A Journal Keeper?

I have always loved to write and have kept a journal since I was a child. Above is a pic of some of my recent journals. For many years I've filled notebooks with sermon notes and prayer requests and kept record of many answered prayers. But in recent years I have learned the great importance [...]

True Boundaries Come From Love

Boundaries is a popular “buzzword” right now. But what does it really mean? One of the most important things I’ve learned about boundaries from my coach is that true boundaries come from a place of LOVE. They are not set in place in order to try to CONTROL ANYONE ELSE. They are NOT telling other [...]

Meet YOUR Coach!

Have you ever said, "I'm so tired. I'm so tired of trying and not succeeding! Things will never change. I guess I just have to accept it?" I like to think of myself as a "Faith-preneur"! I’m a faith mindset coach! Step into The Faith Lab with me. If what you’re thinking causes you pain, [...]

Just Because a Marriage Has Been LONG, Doesn’t Mean That It Is GOOD

Just because a marriage has been LONG doesn’t mean that it is GOOD. Many couples co-exist for decades and just because they are still together doesn’t mean they are both feeling fulfilled. Many hang on till their kids leave the nest because they don’t want them to experience any upheaval. But then what? How will [...]

Do Our Loved Ones Become Birds, Butterflies, or Angels?

What's the harm in thinking this? Because we should always be endeavoring to think upon the truth. There are always only two thoughts. The truth and a lie. The enemy is so subtle in his attempt to sidetrack us from the truth and coerce us to accept a lie. This type of deception, which falsely [...]

Who You LONG to Be Is Really Who You ARE!

When you long to be different and show up in a different way in your relationships, that is who you REALLY ARE! That person you long to be is your TRUE SELF wanting to break forth! As a coach, I help women get FREE from guilt, shame, and regret for how they’ve shown up in [...]

Hey There!

There are many different types of coaches out there, but if you’re looking for a coach that has a firm foundation of the Word and the Spirit to come alongside you, I’m your girl! You know, the prayer of agreement is so powerful! Jesus said in Matthew 18:19 "Again I say to you, that if [...]