Worrying About Others?

READY to become a RECOVERING CONTROL FREAK? Life is SO MUCH SWEETER on the OTHER SIDE! Where everyone gets to be exactly who they are and bonus, YOU get to be the REAL YOU! The one God destined YOU to BE! The one who is so full of PEACE and learns how to RESIST those [...]

Ready For YOUR Beautiful Life?

Are you ready to create the most BEAUTIFUL life you can imagine?  It all begins with your thoughts.  You don’t have to keep waiting until you get the “dream job” or the “dream guy” or the “dream house”.  You can start living an ABUNDANT & BEAUTIFUL LIFE right now!  You get to stop feeling like [...]

What Are You Thinking?

We know the Word says in Proverbs 23:7 “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” If we believe that this verse is TRUE, it proves how POWERFUL our OWN THOUGHTS really are! And that the results we are currently having in how we experience our own life are more in our [...]

Remembering Our Spouses Chose Us as Adults

For the most part, our family members didn't get to choose us. They love us because we are their child, sibling, parent, niece, aunt, or cousin. They may LOVE who we are, but the connection was one that was made for them. It's so important to remember that our spouse chooses us as an adult [...]

Are You Thinking it’s Too Late?

Are you thinking it's too late or too hard to change things now? I want to encourage you that it's just not true! It might FEEL true, but that's only because you've been thinking that painful thought for SO LONG and your brain has developed a "rut". Did you that ruts in your brain are [...]

Jesus Felt BIG EMOTIONS and Why We Should, Too

Jesus Felt BIG EMOTIONS and Why We Should, Too! If you grew up in a home where BIG EMOTIONS were not tolerated, were belittled, punished, or squelched, you may have trouble FEELING YOUR FEELINGS as an adult. You may have been taught to not be so emotional. Or you may have been taught by the [...]

The POWER of the PIVOT!

Recently, I accepted the fact that I was not yet reaching my intended goal and needed to pivot this season and that pivot led to yet another pivot and I feel GREAT about it! Why? Because that is the POWER of the PIVOT!!! When things don't seem to be going as "planned" don’t make it [...]

The Semi-Empty Nest. What’s a Mom to Do?

Do you remember the days when your child moved in and out of wanting to still be a baby and wanting to be a big kid? Sometimes they wanted to crawl up and snuggle you or get your loving care when they got a boo-boo and at times they wanted to begin to take care [...]

We Are Called to Love, Not Judge

We are called to LOVE, not JUDGE. Period. Whenever we find ourselves getting frustrated with someone, it's a clear sign that we've momentarily stepped OUT OF THE LOVE ZONE and into the JUDGMENT ZONE. And the reason it feels so irksome is because it was never how we were created to exist. God IS LOVE. [...]

Want to Enjoy True Relationships?

God knows us intimately and we have within us the need to know others intimately, too. It's really something sacred, to be allowed into someone's inner world. It requires vulnerability for both of you. Very often, we have high expectations of those we love. Of course, it's understandable to have some expectations of how they [...]