Coach with Me

What is a Life Coach? How is it different from a Therapist? 

A Therapist and a Life Coach are two different professionals, each trained in helping people regain a state of wellness: physically, mentally, emotionally, or relationally. 

When you find yourself in a mental health crisis and are struggling to function in your day-to-day living, you may need the assistance of a licensed therapist. Just like you would go to a physical therapist when you’ve had a fracture or injury and they are trained to help you to gently rehabilitate that limb while it’s healing. A Life Coach is likened to a coach on the sidelines who then helps you to get back in the game. As you open up in a safe space to share your thoughts and current feelings that are causing you pain or keeping you stuck, they are listening closely to help you untangle that one thought that may be completely unknown to you when you are in a crisis in your relationship or keeping you stuck in a pattern of self-doubt to make real changes you want for your life.

Be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your mind -Romans 12:2

Have you ever gone through something hard in your life and blamed how you were feeling on that circumstance? Have you ever thought that if my kids would just listen, I wouldn’t have to yell? If my husband would appreciate me more, then I would feel loved? If my in-laws would act differently, then I could have peace? Honestly, do you ever just wish you could enjoy the people in your life without all the roller-coaster ups and downs? What if you could love your life without anyone else changing first? I can help 🙂

Those are common thoughts that our brains give us to work with. But it couldn’t be further from the truth, because feeling contentment with our lives is an inside job. Because what we FEEL about our lives is not a result of our circumstances but rather how we THINK about those circumstances.

What is the investment? Hiring a coach is not throwing money away but it’s an exchange for the value of outcome you want to see in your life. It’s an investment in YOURSELF, your emotional health, your future, and in everyone in your life who will also benefit from the change within you! When you go to a specialist you agree to do it because it’s worth the investment to feel better. What are some ways you have invested in yourself…new phone/computer, braces, therapy, massage, hair/nails, gym membership, weight loss package…how much is emotional freedom, peace in relationships, confidence in decision making, success in future goals worth?

If you’re ready to BE TRANSFORMED into the HIGHEST version of YOU let’s go on a 12-week adventure where I come alongside you as a mentor and coach you through your thoughts, using a solid Biblical foundation, to help you get unstuck and create the life you’ve always dreamed of fill out the form below and let’s set up your FREE 45-minute Consultation Call! Freedom is just ONE thought away!

***Click the See Jenny link for Client Testimonials!!***