
Entitlement is Painful Because It’s Not Guaranteed

This might be a "sacred cow" I'm kicking, but there are so many parents riddled with PAIN based upon the decisions of their adult children and I want to give them the opportunity to be SET FREE! No matter what we've done as a parent, we are never ENTITLED to our children behaving a certain [...]

Are You Arguing With Reality?

Have you ever gone through a really challenging time and wished so badly that you weren't? Me, too! In fact, years ago we were really struggling in our marriage, and the predominant thought that constantly cycled through my head was, "I'm so sad. I'm so sad that this is happening. What happened to my life?" [...]

Your Children Are God’s Children

From the moment we learn that our children exist, the temptation to worry rears its head. As a mother, that knowledge becomes the first thing you think of upon waking and the last thing before falling asleep. Both of my kids are grown now, but whether they are 9 weeks old or 29, the enemy will [...]

It’s Impossible to Spoil a Baby

It’s impossible to spoil a baby.  Every time you attend to a crying baby they create a neural pathway that tells them they are safe and their needs will be met.  So much of what we do throughout our days seems automatic, like driving to or from work, it can seem mindless.  It seems the [...]

Aging Like Sea Glass

I ❤️ these thoughts.  Did you know that you get to choose your thoughts? Sometimes we think I feel this way because of _________________ and what they did or said.  But it’s really how WE are choosing to think about what THEY did that causes us pain.  Sometimes it’s hard to ride the waves of [...]

Aging is a Privilege!

Aging bodies are not less than or gross or unattractive. They are beautiful, incredible machines that house our spirit man and our souls (our minds, wills, and emotions). They have carried us through seasons joyful and hard. Have stretched and grown, sometimes weak and at others strong. They have scars from battles and wrinkles from [...]

Worrying About Others?

READY to become a RECOVERING CONTROL FREAK? Life is SO MUCH SWEETER on the OTHER SIDE! Where everyone gets to be exactly who they are and bonus, YOU get to be the REAL YOU! The one God destined YOU to BE! The one who is so full of PEACE and learns how to RESIST those [...]

Ready For YOUR Beautiful Life?

Are you ready to create the most BEAUTIFUL life you can imagine?  It all begins with your thoughts.  You don’t have to keep waiting until you get the “dream job” or the “dream guy” or the “dream house”.  You can start living an ABUNDANT & BEAUTIFUL LIFE right now!  You get to stop feeling like [...]

Do Disagreements Mean Your Marriage is DOOMED?

Does disagreement in marriage mean you are doomed? I used to have this exact thought and it only created so much PAIN and FEAR within me. FEAR will always bring thoughts of punishment and energize the worst-case scenario. It made me picture that we will have an awful marriage in the future if we can't [...]

Did You Know YOU are the Hero of Your Story?

Every great story is always comprised of a Hero and a Guide. I think of Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee; of Luke Skywalker and Yoda; or Dorothy Gale and Glinda the Good Witch, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, and the Tin Man. They each had to go on their own journey to discover things about [...]