Why We Don’t Ask God For Faith, but We Feed Our Faith by Hearing

As believers, the Bible tells us that we ALREADY have the God-kind of faith residing in us. We don’t have to ask Him for faith, His faith resides in us whenever we hear the Word. Romans 10:17 "So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ." It is only by hearing the [...]

Do You Want to See an Awakening?

If we desire a great awakening for our world, for our nation, for our church, then WE must become awakened OURSELVES and AWAKENING begins with an ENCOUNTER! "Blessed are those who HUNGER and THIRST after righteousness: for they SHALL BE FILLED!" Matt. 5:6 So, this verse is teaching us that the FILLING is reserved for [...]

Want to Grow Your Church, Ministry, or Business, but Feeling STUCK?

As ministers, we can so easily shift into frustration and despair when church attendance is not growing, we’ve made a mistake in implementing a “program," lost a valuable staff member or volunteer family, or shame ourselves for our human failures. The pain comes because we are not ALLOWING and PROCESSING THROUGH all the EMOTIONS that [...]

Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but WHO are YOU?

Acts 19:15 "And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are YOU?" Does the enemy know YOUR name? If you’ve come under attack, rejoice, it means the enemy knows you and you’re advancing something he’s not happy about and he’s pulled out all his ammo! He's running [...]

Book Review: Sacred Smallness- Finding Kingdom Greatness in a Fruitful Hidden Life by Jenny Papapostolou

The Lord has been pruning me the last few weeks, and this book has been just one of the ways He has been speaking to my heart. Take a minute to read through just a few snippets that have stood out to me. The whole book is pretty much yellowed with a highlighter, lol! So [...]

You Are NOT What You FEEL

We know that when Jesus walked the earth, He was fully God and fully man. He understands completely every feeling that we have. He lived in a human body with all the physical limitations and the emotional expressions that we experience daily. Hebrews 4:15 "For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable [...]


I'm not sure what you may be facing this week. You may have symptoms screaming so loudly in your body that you can't concentrate on anything. Or you may have had a fight with your spouse or child and now feel so grieved in your heart. You may feel worried about coming up short at [...]

Ministry Can Sometimes Be A Lonely Place As A Woman

I want to take a minute to invite you into a sacred space. Into the vulnerable areas of my heart.  If you are a woman in the ministry you know firsthand, as do I, how isolating life in the ministry can sometimes be. You are trying to be an example to everyone around you and [...]

Do Our Loved Ones Become Birds, Butterflies, or Angels?

What's the harm in thinking this? Because we should always be endeavoring to think upon the truth. There are always only two thoughts. The truth and a lie. The enemy is so subtle in his attempt to sidetrack us from the truth and coerce us to accept a lie. This type of deception, which falsely [...]