Want to Grow Your Church, Ministry, or Business, but Feeling STUCK?

As ministers, we can so easily shift into frustration and despair when church attendance is not growing, we’ve made a mistake in implementing a “program," lost a valuable staff member or volunteer family, or shame ourselves for our human failures. The pain comes because we are not ALLOWING and PROCESSING THROUGH all the EMOTIONS that [...]

Why Tithing is NOT the Same as Giving

There is a difference between TITHING and GIVING. The tithe is what we PAY back to God. It belongs to Him. It is His and it is HOLY. An offering is a gift that we GIVE above and beyond our tithes. It's a SEED that we SOW and just like a farmer, we can believe [...]

You Are NOT What You FEEL

We know that when Jesus walked the earth, He was fully God and fully man. He understands completely every feeling that we have. He lived in a human body with all the physical limitations and the emotional expressions that we experience daily. Hebrews 4:15 "For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable [...]