Why Tithing is NOT the Same as Giving

There is a difference between TITHING and GIVING. The tithe is what we PAY back to God. It belongs to Him. It is His and it is HOLY. An offering is a gift that we GIVE above and beyond our tithes. It's a SEED that we SOW and just like a farmer, we can believe [...]

Your Business, Their Business, & God’s Business

Some people so enjoy drama that if they aren’t experiencing enough of their own, they tend to feed off of others. When you find yourself in a situation where others are relaying drama they’ve seen to you, you can choose to close your ears and mouth to it. Gossip cannot spread if it’s known to [...]

Happy 2023! A year of JOY & VICTORY!

If you're not sensing what I'm sensing, mark my words, this will be a record-setting year! Miracles, signs, and wonders will abound in every arena of MY life and YOURS if you align your mouth with God's Word. We've been through a sifting and a shaking the last three years, but God is setting up [...]