Receive the Greatest Gift!

If someone stretched their hands toward you with a gift and said, "Here, please accept this free gift", it is available to you but wouldn't be yours until you reach out and take it, right? You can believe in the gift because you see it right before you, but you will not be enjoying it [...]

Everywhere I Look I See Miracles

"Miracles are coming toward you or going past you every day." -Richard Roberts What if you choose to believe that? What if you choose to believe that everything will work out okay, it's just not worked out yet. What if you reached out with the hand of faith and laid hold of the miracle you [...]

God Will PROVIDE!!

If you know, you know! He's the God who sees ahead! It's already done, so praise Him ahead of time! Keep His Word coming out of your mouth! He's got you! Give Him praise in the comments if you trust Him! #miracles #iykyk #theramisontheway #provision #praise #praiseGod #Godisgood #HesamiracleworkingGod #Godwillbringittopass #jehovahjireh #theraminthethicket

Do You Believe in Miracles?

As I was reading the Christmas story in the Book of Luke, I was reminded that the story did not begin with Jesus, but rather John the Baptist. His birth was a true miracle, too! And he was born into the earth to usher in the GREATEST MIRACLE ever, Jesus! In Luke 3 we see [...]

Happy 2023! A year of JOY & VICTORY!

If you're not sensing what I'm sensing, mark my words, this will be a record-setting year! Miracles, signs, and wonders will abound in every arena of MY life and YOURS if you align your mouth with God's Word. We've been through a sifting and a shaking the last three years, but God is setting up [...]