Receive the Greatest Gift!

If someone stretched their hands toward you with a gift and said, “Here, please accept this free gift”, it is available to you but wouldn’t be yours until you reach out and take it, right? You can believe in the gift because you see it right before you, but you will not be enjoying it until you receive it in your life.

Jesus was and IS the greatest gift to this world. Many know of Him and even believe in Him, but it takes one step of faith to actually reach out with our voice and say, “Yes, I believe and receive the gift of Jesus. I believe that He died for the sins of everyone in the world, including me and that when I receive Him, I can also receive everything that salvation has provided for me, including healing, provision, and freedom from anxiety and depression.”

A gift is not something that you earn, otherwise, it would not be a gift. It must be freely given and freely received. If you’ve never accepted Jesus into your life and experienced all that is included with that gift, He’s reaching out to you today, you only need to open your hands and say, Yes, I receive the gift of Jesus this Christmas. My life is Yours, be my Lord. ❤
Need Encouragement? Link in my bio ❤
If you prayed that prayer, leave me a comment ❤
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